Audit system for PL2S centres

The overriding goal of ALLMEET is to build the capacity of the Russian HEIs partners with respect to understanding and managing on-going conflicts and to prevent the growth of a xenophobic attitude within the Russian society. EU partners will assist the Russian HEIs in planning, implementing and evaluating actions in the field of Intercultural Education and Lifelong Learning Strategies. Through a networking and life-long learning approach, Russian HEIs can gain a key role in enhancing mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue not only among their students’ multicultural population, but within society at large.

The focus of the project is the establishment of Intercultural Education Platforms and PL2S-centres in Russian HEIs. This deliverable (WP 4.6) presents the quality management of PL2S-centres, defining the procedures for:

  1. Accreditation-program for PL2S-professionals.
  2. The audit system for PL2S-centres.
  3. A reporting template for the audit-team.
Audit-system (pdf)